mantis info


Active Member
I have become interested with these guys and am curious about their living requirements. what size tank do they require. lighting? filtration? do they only eat live? how often must they be feed? is it better to get a tank that is entirely acrylic over just putting a piece ont the bottom of the tank?


there are 2 typyes smashers and spearers <-they'll be fine in galss tanks the others alll you really need its a sheet of plexi glass on the bottom
no they don't need live food but they be happerir with than with out
spearers like any shrimp they can fit in there mouth(live or dead) and the same goes for the smashers exept they like hermits,crabs and snails pretty much shellfish.but remeber that they are oppertunistic feedrs(basicly they eat any thing)they must be kept in a species tank but they are safe to put with corals. make sure they have a place to hide a peace of pvc pipe works fine if you need more info try this website
go down to the part where it say "for hobbists"


Active Member
right now its just a thought in my mind not sure about if it will happen or not, but it was going to be in its own tank
o yeah thanks for the info. Im going to check it out right now