1- Would a 5 gallon tank be big enough for a Peacock Mantis? (Only fish in tank)
2- If so I am planning on putting 2-3" of live sand and about 4-5 lbs of live rock. Could I grow any kind of small coral like mushrooms or polyps on the rock, or would the mantis destroy it?
3- Would I be able to keep a max. of 2 Mantis in that tank or will they kill eachother?
4- Would a little power filter be fine for that tank or would I need some other sort of filtration? I know they kill everything, and the potential for a lot of waste would be present.
5- I think thats everything any other input on what you think about a set-up like this would be appreciated.
2- If so I am planning on putting 2-3" of live sand and about 4-5 lbs of live rock. Could I grow any kind of small coral like mushrooms or polyps on the rock, or would the mantis destroy it?
3- Would I be able to keep a max. of 2 Mantis in that tank or will they kill eachother?
4- Would a little power filter be fine for that tank or would I need some other sort of filtration? I know they kill everything, and the potential for a lot of waste would be present.
5- I think thats everything any other input on what you think about a set-up like this would be appreciated.