mantis question


New Member
hi again
hes my secon question.
a month ago i got some florida rock and as expected there was a mantis hitch hiking in it. i was able to get it out quick and now i keep it enclosed in a small container. after that i started losing all of my shrimp:3 peppermint and 2 blood red. now yesterday i intruduced into the tank a cleaner shrimp and a blood red shrimp, yet today they are no were to be seen. well after close examination i found out i had another mantis shrimp. i was able to remove him quickly and now hes keeping the other one company. my question is: could the mantis shrimp kill and eat both shrimp over night? the mantis is not even an inch big and both shrimp were bigger. should i be looking for more hich hikers?
thanks again