Mantis reef final resident


We added the final resident to the tank last weekend. Now it is complete. Meet Spot (how creative) the blackspotted puffer. No worries. Everyone is doing fine he and the lionfish get along well and even sleep next to each other some nights. Snoopy the mantis could care less about either of them and just goes about his usual work of re-fortifying his cave. They're all eating well and water quality is good. Although I wish I could get my trates down a bit. They are between 30 and 40 ppm. I'm going to start 5% water changes once a week. Thanks to everyone that fielded my stupid questions when I first came around, without your help I would've been lost.


Thanks everyone.
The mantis will not eat the lion and the puffer? Or vicea versa
I doubt it. The mantis is well fed as are the fish. Peacocks aren't really big fish eaters unless it's the only thing they can get their hammers on. heh They prefer mollusks and crustaceans.
looks great man watch your hands down there
Good lookin out. When I was petting my mantis tonight he seemed like he didn't care for it.
Actually, so far they don't pay me any mind when I'm working in there but I always have a watchful eye on them. Especially the lion. If he's hungry he can be a real pest when you're trying to get any work done.


Maybe a silly question but how ,aside from them being hitchhikers on live rock, do you transport these things ? Ordinary bags would be shredded , do you get them in a pail or something ?


Nah, they ship in bags like other fish. How do you punch a hole in a plastic bag? Think of it this way....they ship lionfish and sea urchins.


well there are 2 types of mantis shrimps... slicers, and clubbers... the slicers use their claws to slice a fish, while the clubbers are used to knock out the fish with a big knocking sound... think of a land dwelling preying mantis...:) (i also heard that the clubber mantis when striking has the same amount of force as a 22caliber bullet:yes: )