Mantis reef tank



Awesome! What kind of mantis? What do you feed him?


I just know him as a yellow mantis. I feed him myis and some krill and when he wants he will take a snail or a crab.


Active Member
Very nice. Just watch with mantises, they will move rocks where they want and all that so keep a count of them. And if you see youre cleanup crew being diminished, dont be surprised, its just his natural ways.
I would like to get my hands on a bright yellow one for sure haha


He's adorable!! I've never heard of a mantis eating mysis, I thought they just ate live food, or food that was once alive. Is he loud?


Active Member
Seriously, have you ever thought of seeing if the thing might eat frozen muscles or clams in the shells? I have never had a chance to see what things will go after, but just dropping live snails and crabs into the tank knowing that they will most likely get taken out at some point...............


Originally Posted by candycane
Seriously, have you ever thought of seeing if the thing might eat frozen muscles or clams in the shells? I have never had a chance to see what things will go after, but just dropping live snails and crabs into the tank knowing that they will most likely get taken out at some point...............

Just wondering if you have hatched brine shrimp. Seen an eel eat another fish. It is a fact of life. I don't want him to eat my 3 dollar snail. I really don't want him to eat my hermit crabs either. I pefer that none of that happens in any of my tanks but it does. I just lost a cleaner to my little dwarf lion. He has never had live food only krill. But instincts kick in.
I have the mantis eating myis and krill and when he wants, he will do what a mantis shrimp does. I will try the frozen clams or musles that is a great idea.

BTW the only reason I started this one is cause I didn't want to see a mantis killed just because he was a hitchhiker.


Originally Posted by kikithemermaid
He's adorable!! I've never heard of a mantis eating mysis, I thought they just ate live food, or food that was once alive. Is he loud?
He quite enjoys the myis, I think more than he likes the krill. But he sure wallops the krill before he grabs it. The tanks has only been set up since saturday so I am learning about this little guys likes and dislikes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squishy
BTW the only reason I started this one is cause I didn't want to see a mantis killed just because he was a hitchhiker.

You didn't have a single LFS that would take it and maybe feed it a different fair? Most of the mantis that I have seen are kept in those little hexagon tanks with plastic sides so their food intake can be controlled. I don't have a problem with mantis shrimp at all.


Originally Posted by candycane
You didn't have a single LFS that would take it and maybe feed it a different fair? Most of the mantis that I have seen are kept in those little hexagon tanks with plastic sides so their food intake can be controlled. I don't have a problem with mantis shrimp at all.
DUDE CHILL... The mantis is in a bio cube. And yes I feed him frozen and when he wants he will take a snail and a hermit. And guess what I don't have a problem with a matis either.


Active Member
It's no blight to me at all, just different ideas as to what I have seen others do when they hitchike in. You could have 65 mantis shrimp and feed them other mantis shrimp
or snails. It's your choice, has nothing to do with me.


Originally Posted by candycane
It's no blight to me at all, just different suggestions as to what you might have been able to do. You could have 65 mantis shrimp and feed them other mantis shrimp
or snails. It's your choice, has nothing to do with me.
Just wondering if your done in this thread yet?

I took your suggestions and even said good idea will try that. Now if your done with your sarcasm and picking on beginners at saltwater I am happy for ya.

Good day and have a good one


Active Member
I'm not picking on anyone, just so you know (we both have nearly the same amount of posts). I was just pointing out that it is your choice with what you want to do.
I will just say VERY cool looking shrimp. I would actually kind of like to see if it changes color a little and gets some more variation. It would be nice if you could post some future pics.


That's really nice that you saved it! Some LFS just kill them.


Originally Posted by candycane
I'm not picking on anyone, just so you know (we both have nearly the same amount of posts). I was just pointing out that it is your choice with what you want to do.
I will just say VERY cool looking shrimp. I would actually kind of like to see if it changes color a little and gets some more variation. It would be nice if you could post some future pics.
Thanks for the tips And yes I still consider myself a begginer as there is more to learn than most will ever try to learn.
This little shrimp that I wanted to save cost me
Bio cube
bio cube stand
new lights for bio cube
heater for bio cube
And we both know what most lfs do with mantis when they get them.
Take it easy and I am sure I will post more of this little guy.