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Seriously, have you ever thought of seeing if the thing might eat frozen muscles or clams in the shells? I have never had a chance to see what things will go after, but just dropping live snails and crabs into the tank knowing that they will most likely get taken out at some point...............
Just wondering if you have hatched brine shrimp. Seen an eel eat another fish. It is a fact of life. I don't want him to eat my 3 dollar snail. I really don't want him to eat my hermit crabs either. I pefer that none of that happens in any of my tanks but it does. I just lost a cleaner to my little dwarf lion. He has never had live food only krill. But instincts kick in.
I have the mantis eating myis and krill and when he wants, he will do what a mantis shrimp does. I will try the frozen clams or musles that is a great idea.
BTW the only reason I started this one is cause I didn't want to see a mantis killed just because he was a hitchhiker.