Mantis Shrimp : 0


Help ! I just saw a mantis shrimp in my tank ! What do I do ? I need some advice in how to get this thing out. Please post any ideas you have. Thanks


Active Member
Just pick it up, they're very friendly.
Ok, just kidding. Get a mantis trap. Take his rock out and put it in a bucket (with him in it). Several techniques, any of them could do it for you.


I have never had to deal with a mantis shrimp but I would suggest getting prepared to pull everything out. I think you can get them in traps but they are pretty smart from what I hear. Is it living in a rock? Pull that rock out and you can flush them out with a little fresh water or carbonated water. Ideas anyone?
If you can't get it out it may be worth your while pulling the tank apart. Depends on its size and what you have in the tank. How big is the tank? (I only say this because I've heard of people having to break down tanks to remove them. Make this your last resort.)
If you get it out alive and don't want it send it my way. I'd love to have it!
Good luck friend!
Eric -


Active Member
I had one that bugged me for about 6 months then had to pull all the rock. If you know which rock he is in, then pull and net at the same time and hope that you get him... IF this does not work, pull the rock and get him that way. He killed all my crabs and some fish before I managed to get him out
:mad: ...


I have no idea what rock he is in. I just know what direction I saw it going in. If I take the rock out I think it might be living in and dunk it in freshwater how long will it take before the mantis comes out. I was wondering what happened to one of my chromis and my conchs !


Active Member
it'll eat probably just about anything.
i'd suggest getting a mantis trap and go that route until you can figure out which rock it's in.
I've never had any of my mantids eat any starfish/brittlestars/fish. I just caught mine the other night, because i had to check size/--- of him, and it was fairly easy.You should figure out where he is living, He will most likely scavenge/hunt for food around evening hours, atleast that's when they do in the wild. You could even place something in there for him to eat, would probably save some of your cleanupcrew also. If he's under a rock get a net handy and be prepaired to move some rocks. If he's inside a rock, then just take it out and either FW dip or high salinity dip it. He should rocket out almost instantly. Goodluck!

nemo's dori

New Member
Originally Posted by bellebelle
Would it eat my brittle star I haven't seen it either in a like a week ?
Yes, I have read that they can eat brittle stars, some smaller fish, hermits and snails. I found one in a newly purchased live rock after several days. I read everything I could on what to do about them and the majority said to get rid of him. Most people that tried with different traps didn't sound like they had much luck so I decided to do the freshwater dip. This rock does have a lot of barnacles on it, too, so I was afraid it might hurt them, but they all made it through just fine. Now the mantis wasn't as lucky. I'm glad I did it that way though because I ended up finding several more little ones in the bucket after the dip. It, also, helped me get rid of many bristle worms. That was about a week and a half ago and so far, so good.

nemo's dori

New Member
Originally Posted by nemo's dori
Yes, I have read that they can eat brittle stars, some smaller fish, hermits and snails. I found one in a newly purchased live rock after several days. I read everything I could on what to do about them and the majority said to get rid of him. Most people that tried with different traps didn't sound like they had much luck so I decided to do the freshwater dip. This rock does have a lot of barnacles on it, too, so I was afraid it might hurt them, but they all made it through just fine. Now the mantis wasn't as lucky. I'm glad I did it that way though because I ended up finding several more little ones in the bucket after the dip. It, also, helped me get rid of many bristle worms. That was about a week and a half ago and so far, so good.
IMO, it was either them or my hermits, and I love my little hermits. Sorry!


Bellebelle, I'm serious too that if you get that little guy out I'll take it. I want a mantis but have just been waiting to find one.
Seems like they are found often enough.
Originally Posted by bellebelle
I was wondering what happened to one of my chromis and my conchs !
You mean they just disappeared? Did the mantis shrimp just EAT the entire fish? With no trace of evidence left? I had a lionfish totally disappear... maybe I have a mantis shrimp?


A lion fish? It disappeared? I doubt a mantis shrimp would be your problem there. How the hell do you loose a fish that big?