mantis shrimp breakin glass??


Mine did it just to test his boundries. He never once showed irritable behavior, unless that was it of course. He would always swim the perimeter of the tank. I think they're just too smart. Acrylic all the way.....


Innsmouth what ever happened to Snoopy ? I must have missed some threads.Im still cycling my 12G Nanocube to get ready for one.


Yeah DUH I remember that thread now. Sorry to hear but happy he's in good hands and you can still visit him. I was gonna join and and tell you that I got a piece done by Jonathan Shaw here in NYC way back when art was still very underground and see if you knew him . Hopefully I'll have my own Snoopy soon and we will find out if a Nanocube will hold up! Thanks , Peter


A nanocube would probably be okay for a smaller peacock for awhile. Mine was just way too big. Johnathan Shaw, yeah, he's right down there in the village next to the park. I've been to that shop before. Dingy little place but has character. Shaw and his father Bob have done a lot for the tattoo buisness over the years. Good luck with your mantis, keep us posted for sure. :yes: