Mantis Shrimp & Bristleworms bad for lions, puffers, etc


If I get Live Rock, do I need to worry about making sure that I get rid of mantis shrimp & bristleworms?
Or will these guys just eat em:
Harlequin Tusk
Volitan Lion
Porcupine Puffer
Snowflake Eel


You should not worry about bristle worms at all and the only reason to be afraid of a mantis shrimp is f you get stuck with a big one. Otherwise shrimp is on the menu for your fish.


Active Member
Reefj is quite correct. Your fish will make short work on any small crabs or shrimps anyway so not to worry.


Thanks Reef & Pufferlover.
Related followup question: Seems like many on the aggressive board recommend seeding live sand with a detrivore kit to seed live sand...w/ amphipods, copepods, shrimp, stars, worms, etc...
Won't aggressive fish such as mine make lunch of such a kit in short time anyways? Wouldn't this just be an expensive feeding for them? Am I better off to let my Live Rock seed my live sand over time w/ bacterial detrivores?
[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: puffdad ]


They fit just fine, along with my 2 pet labs, landlord, wife and TV...lots o' water changes though. :D
I'm planning a tank for these guys.


Active Member
puffdad; I do not happen to use LS in any of my tanks so I cannot answer your question for you but I figure someone who reads this will so just hang in a bit till they see it. In my case my tanks were set up before LS became a big deal and I have no desire to change things at this point.