Mantis shrimp in over flow box


I think I have finally found the little guy. My over flow box that is hanging over the back of my tank. A couple questions here mmmm. If I grab him with my hands will he bite? Will it hurt lol? I cannt see in there but I can hear him down there so he has to be there. The box is very dirty with algae and all nasty looking. Any ideas of what to do?


Active Member
Well DO NOT grab him with your hands! If he is big enough he can really hurt you.
I think the easiest way would to be to gently remove some of your algae and see if you see him.
Make sure the pieces you pull out are not large enough to hide him.
I would use salad tongs or maybe a 10 foot pole:)
Just be careful. If you dont want him call your LFS and see if they know anyone who would like him.


Active Member
Don't try getting him with your hands unless you have a very high pain threshold. They're not called "thumbsplitters" for nothing. Try sticking a net in there and maybe you'll get lucky. :D


Active Member
yeah what ever you do, DONT PICK HIM UP. they are strong enough to break your finger. how big is the box? maybe you can set a trap? keep us updated

skiper gre

I have heard about the mantis, is that the guy that you never see, he eats your fish and makes a clicking noise at night? How do they get in your tank? I would guess they come with the live rock. I just started a 125 with 120lbs of rock adding another 100lbs this weekend, if I get one of those guys will I hear him before the cycle is finished?


Active Member
yeah they usually come in liverock, but you can also buy them. they are really pretty and colorful, but do better in a mantis shrimp only tank because they are real aggressive. if you turn off all pumps etc. you can usually hear a clicking noise. but as they are not nocturnal, usually you can find their rock and get them out. pistol shrimps also makea clicky noise.


What kind of setup would you need to keep a mantis? Do they throw rocks? What do they eat and what size tank would you need?


Active Member
an acrylic tank, i believe.
i remember seeing something on animal planet about them being able to break glass if they strike it


The box that I beleive that they are in is only 4" by 8". If he is still in there. I am going to my lfs and seeing what he recommends and see if he would like to trade for him. Sorry evilss not to familar with these guys and shipping live things yet. How big can these guys get? How big are these guys usually in a home aquarium? Will these guys jump out of a tank?


Aso I hear him mostly at 10pm and alot at 5am if im up at that time. If I pick up a rock during the day and he maybe in that one will he attack me? If not then how do I get rid of him inside that LR? I still haven't seen him but I hear him. How do you guys see him? Use a pin flashlight? Thats what I try to use.


I have no exp w/ mantis shrimp, but heres an idea...if the box is only 4"x8" and you have rock in there, why not take it out using tongs or something like that from the kitchen. should be able to get most any piece of rock that would fit in there. Then I'd say give the rock a quick FW bath and the shrimp should leave I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Oh, and dont put the rock back in the box till you're sure you got him :) don't want to give him another hiding place till you found him. Just my .02


Active Member
a lot of times they survive the dip. a lot of people smash the orock with a hammer lol. could you try boiling water?


Didnt mean for the dip to kill him, thought it might drive him out of the rock though? Or WWF, if you have another tank could probably just stick the rock in there if there's nothing else in there, and after a few days he might go wandering for food? just a thought. Heh, JnJ it looks like they have a pretty meaty tail. Wonder if its any good boiled. Maybe better sauteed?

skiper gre

thanks for the pic. I think I caoght one of thors guyes diving at at Catalina Isl. off the CA coast a few years ago. the water is cold hear maby 65 to 68 in teh summer could that be? I grabbed him with my hands and put him in my game bag and he nevet bit. I did have gloves on.