New Member
Hey y'all, curious about something. As you may know, I am planning a reef tank within a few months (bear with me, that's why I'm asking all of these dumb questions
) and was wondering if anyone has had the problem of mantis shrimp coming with their live rock? When I had a reef tank a while back I had 2 of these suckers that came with the rock. I remember hearing loud clicking coming from the tank after I first put in the rock and at the time I had no idea what it was. Then I noticed 2 fish missing over the next 2 weeks, no sign of them. Then I saw it, the first one. After asking around I was told he was the culprit. After spending hours trying to find him and finally getting him out I thought it was over. Well, another week and more clicking and 1 more fish vanished. Ended up having to take every piece of rock out before I found 1 more of these wiley little buggers. So, what are the chances of getting these unwanted rock hitchhikers? Anyone else have this problem before?
[ April 15, 2001: Message edited by: Cox ]
[ April 15, 2001: Message edited by: Cox ]