Mantis Shrimp Wanted


Hello, I am just wondering if anyone wants to get rid of a smaller Mantis Shrimp. Not over 3". Prefer a Lysiosquilloides mapia (the bright Orangish/Yellow one) But will settle for a Peacock as well. Willing to buy or trade. I have went to LFS after LFS and they all seem to say no. Well one did just say he found one and gave it to the first customer that wanted it. Please I have been looking for one for about 6 months now.


Active Member
the orange mantis gets 5inches, and he wants a 3" max.
maybe go with the smithii. They will email you when its in stock. The smithii is the purple spot one and it gets 3" max.
Good Luck to you


Just $30-40 dollars for shipping is a little steep. Thats why I kind of want to trade, but will buy. Thanks