Mantis Shrimp....


New Member
What is the big deal about The Notorious Mantis? Should I really inspect my live rock good for one and try to get rid of it? What are the pros and cons of a Mantis Shrimp?


Very bad ... get rid of it now before it is too late they like to ambush crustaceans and things....


My LFS has a couple of them for sale, I was also wondering who would want to buy somthing that can do damage like that..


Active Member
I've spotted one in my 75 reef tank. Some new live rock I added last month. Did not hear it until a week or so ago, and finally got a visual on the little bugger. Length about 1-1/2 inches it looks like - I can post a pic when I catch it.
Was getting ready to start adding more clean up crew too .....
Better wait ...


I had a mantis in my tank, he was a smasher which means he ate anything with a shell. He ate 6 hermits, 4 snails, 1 horseshoe crab, and 1 scallop.
When we moved "his" rock was placed in the lionfish tank. Poor little mantis...... <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />
Slashers, BTW will eat fish instead.....
It's a very good idea to remove them from your tank as quickly as possible. Some people do keep them as pets in seperate tanks though.


I the top post it says A Mantis can smash your aquarium does this mean it will break Your glass i don't bleave this, is it true?


Yes they can break the glass. They can also break a finger if they get you good.
They can hit with the same force as a .22 calibur bullet.