Mantis Shrimp


Hypethetical question, I have a 180 with an ecosystem, if I were to have a mantis shrimp come in on my live rock would I be able to catch him and actually be able to put him in the ecosystem with the calerpa?


Its a fairly large ecosystem so there would be plenty of room for it, I was going to add a couple small peices of live rock in it. I was thinking of using a pair of long (maybe plastic shears) to trim the culerpa so it would be safe for the water.......


New Member
they sell shrimp traps, wich is food in a clear casing so when they grab the food it encloses them, id try squirting warm water in his area then when he comes out catch him with a net. it works fine. watch your fingers!!!


Active Member
like antehm mentioned, be sure to use caution twhen prining the algae(you never know where he may be hiding), and gloves are not anything ot rely on, you could grab a handful of calupera nad find a surprise


Ok I am going to ask a dumb qustion here I have a feeling. What are these Mantis Shrimps ( and please dont reply back Shrimp) I have read alot of posts like they are the bad @s$ of the tanks and they can inflict some damage on a human. Are these things huge? Have some nasty claws? Poisonious? Whats the deal?
<scratching head> Rambos in my tank and I didn't even know he was.......


Active Member
there are 2 basic types, one has a

like claw, and the other a smashing claw, they are very strong and FAST, the ones witha smashing claw can crush the bones in the hand to the point it would probably need amputation, the others will lance you BAD, the strike of their claw resembles the velocity of a .22 cal bullet
<a href="" target="_blank">info</a>


Wow that is one bad @$$,,,,I mean I have heard of some nasty fish like Triggers, Lions and Great white shark..Never would expect something out of a shrimp...Neat little creature... Remind me NOT to get one....