Mantis shrimp


New Member
If you go on youtube and key in mantis shrimp you will find some cool videos showing shrimp eating everything. Those things are huge and mean. Does anyone out there have one or has seen one in action.


New Member
Man he is very cool!! How can I get one and what is the minimum tank size he needs to be in. I am thinking about putting one in my office.Of course by itself.

the j.o.p.

mine is in a 15 gal. but i'm getting him a 30 soon. mine has a javanese damsel as a pet. he wont eat him? anything else is food!!
if you get a small one 1-3 inches you could do a 10 gal. email me and i'll give you another forum that a stompapod expert posts on.


New Member
I emailed you. My LFS can order them. He said they can brake glass tanks. He said they can come in Florida rock by accident.

the j.o.p.

mine put a super tiny chip almost a scratch in my tank. there is suposed to be a video out there some where of a huge one breaking an aquarium but i can't find it. if any one can find it i will pay top $$$ for a copy.
the local shrimp boats here catch them as a by product and throw them back. i just spoke to a guy that says they taste great like a lobster.