mantis shrimp!!!!


what kind of mantis shrimp are readily available to keep in captivity, that would work in a nano tank? and also how many gallons do they require? (i know it depends on the species but i'll ask any way)


Originally Posted by chadman
is a mantis shrimp something you really want in your tank?

he's right... i will even drive to pa to give you the thing!!!


haha.....i think they're kinda cool, but a little creepy. they seem neat though. i was thinkin of building a custom tank for 1 if it would'nt be too expensive. thats why i was wonderin what size tank i would need. i would also make the tank out of acrylic cause aparently they can break through glass.


Active Member
i never had one but i am pretty sure that you can really only have a mantis in hte tank right? i think they'll kill everything else...not sure though so don't mark my word on that...personally i think there are much cooler things you could do with a tank than have one mantis shrimp in it...but thats only my opinion.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i never had one but i am pretty sure that you can really only have a mantis in hte tank right? i think they'll kill everything else...not sure though so don't mark my word on that...personally i think there are much cooler things you could do with a tank than have one mantis shrimp in it...but thats only my opinion.....


Active Member
For the best info on Mantis Shrimp, look up Roy's List of Stomatopods. He has all the info you need.


Active Member
You won't need acrylic if you get a spearing mantis rather than a clubbing mantis. The clubbing mantis are the ones that break glass. Correct me if I am wrong because I myself have never kept one but I am pretty sure that's what I remember.

belly up

yea your right about the spearers, and with them you can keep some inverts just no shrimp, but crabs and snails are usually alright, and ive seen people who keep damsels or chromis with there mantis. but my advice is dont spend to much on anything you plan on adding to the tank cuz you never kno what he will happen


Active Member
Originally Posted by gharner
haha.....i think they're kinda cool, but a little creepy. they seem neat though. i was thinkin of building a custom tank for 1 if it would'nt be too expensive. thats why i was wonderin what size tank i would need. i would also make the tank out of acrylic cause aparently they can break through glass.
You would only have to worry about a large adult breaking glass and even then it is uncommon. I tend to err on the side of caution so I had a custom built acrylic tank for mine. It cost $140, that included shipping.
As far as tank sizes go, a 26 gallon tank is recommended for an adult peacock mantis (Odontodactylus scyllarus). My tank is 19 gallons, however, since it is custom built I had it made with a bigger footprint. So it has the surface area more similar to a 30 gallon.
Mine is quite aggressive and will randomly pop the side of the tank yet he peacefully co-exists with a Chromis. They are fascinating creatures. Check out the thread in fish photography titled Let's see those Mantis Shrimp.


Active Member
mantis shrimp needs at least a 10 gallon tank. but i wouldnt recommend keeping anything with it.

the j.o.p.

1o gal. would be for a small one 1 to 4 inches. mine is very active and about 6 1/2 inches. she is getting a 55 as soon as it's done cycling. also i have a damsel with mine, she doesn't even pay attention to it as long as there are plenty of snails to eat!!