mantis shrimp!!!!!!!


so I did my research and YES I have a mantis shrimp. when lites were out I kept hearing a loud clicking noise then...........I saw him. He lives in a hole in my lr. hes very and out ..then he came all the way out.He is about 2'' long. I won't be able to catch him with a net.
What should I do? Some have told me if its not bothering anything too leave it there. Others say get it out..One thread said not to touch it with your hands.Is that true. The only other thing someone said is to take the rock out and spray it with water..But that rock has my only coral on it..will that hurt the coral?

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by newbesalt
so I did my research and YES I have a mantis shrimp. when lites were out I kept hearing a loud clicking noise then...........I saw him. He lives in a hole in my lr. hes very and out ..then he came all the way out.He is about 2'' long. I won't be able to catch him with a net.
What should I do? Some have told me if its not bothering anything too leave it there. Others say get it out..One thread said not to touch it with your hands.Is that true. The only other thing someone said is to take the rock out and spray it with water..But that rock has my only coral on it..will that hurt the coral?
It will most likely hurt the coral, don't grab it with your hand........ that's if your normal and want all your fingers. Alot of people always suggest a trap, and I also say to get it out!


Active Member
Just take out the rock he's in and place it in a bucket full of tank water. Turn out the lights and drop some food in there. When he exits the rock to get the food, pull the rock out.
Watch your fingers!!!!
Hope you get the little sucker.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Farslayer
Just take out the rock he's in and place it in a bucket full of tank water. Turn out the lights and drop some food in there. When he exits the rock to get the food, pull the rock out.
Watch your fingers!!!!
Hope you get the little sucker.
Nice Nice!


take the rock out of ya tank and make a batch of water up with like a salinity of .030 or higher and dip the rock in and he will come outr then take him to lfs or sell him on here


lol, do a search for "mantis shrimp" on youtub* and then tell me if you still want to touch him. i just actually just learned about them a month or so myself. They're beautiful looking, but d@mb those things are mean and kill everything, from what i could see. oh, and that clicking is him probably trying to bust open a crab or snail's shell.
good luck..


I mixed up some really salty water and put the rock in it ....20 minutes later still nothing. I put a stick in the hole too poke him but nothing...
I dont think the salty water was good for my coral.
finally put it back in my tank...
don't know if the coral will make it. Its my first and only coral
And I don't even know if I killed the shrimp or not
.any other suggestions.


Active Member
Don't put the rock in saltwater, put it in freshwater. The sudden change in water chemistry will drive him out real quick, and possibly kill him. Sucks, but that's what you gotta do if you A) don't want to touch him, and B) don't want him to destroy your livestock.


don't know really It came on my lr(actually the whole rock mostly) when its (out) or Blomming or just alive in this case their brown in color. couldn't find it on any sites. Its not very spectacular or colorful but I still enjoyed it . their in the shape of little circles. Maybe just plain coral if there is such a thing.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly sure what coral it is, sounds like a leather coral of some sort. You can put leather corals in freshwater for a good 20 minutes without damaging it. I freshwater dip all of my soft corals before putting them into my aquariums before selling them.
Good luck with the mantis. If you can keep him and put him in a tank all by himself, it would make a stunning display!


Active Member
Originally Posted by newbesalt
don't know really It came on my lr(actually the whole rock mostly) when its (out) or Blomming or just alive in this case their brown in color. couldn't find it on any sites. Its not very spectacular or colorful but I still enjoyed it . their in the shape of little circles. Maybe just plain coral if there is such a thing.
How goes the capture?
Can you take a picture of the "coral" and post it. You will get an ID from some of the experts here.


If its a leather, can't you relocate the coral before taking the rock out? I would do that and put the rock in freshwater. His butt will come out like a mad hornet! Watch your fingers tho.


i just got done watching the videos again. those things are so cool. i just wish there was some way to put other fish & livestock in with it. maybe when i get my own house, i'll set up a little tank with one it it. lol, i'd be ticked if i found one in my semi-reef (getting there slowly but surely) though.
Did you get him out yet?


my roomate bought a mantis shrimp to keep as a pet. It's a peacock mantis, about 6 inches long. maybe 7. its huge. But these thigns aren't all theyre cracked up to be. It won't even try to eat snails or hermit crabs. It would starve to death if we didn't feed it cut up shrimp for it to eat. It WILL attack crabs though, it likes those. He's been sayign he wants to get a small one and put it in a small like 2 gallon aquarium to put on his desk by his computer....maybe more people out there are like him and would even buy your little mantis if you ever catch it. couldn't hurt to check around locally. Some people like the novelty of it. I know my roommate just wanted it "to watchit kill stuff" and try to further his tough guy image he tries so very hard to keep up, but still....point is: people might want it. to each his own


Active Member
Originally Posted by king_nothing_
my roomate bought a mantis shrimp to keep as a pet. It's a peacock mantis, about 6 inches long. maybe 7. its huge. But these thigns aren't all theyre cracked up to be. It won't even try to eat snails or hermit crabs. It would starve to death if we didn't feed it cut up shrimp for it to eat. It WILL attack crabs though, it likes those. He's been sayign he wants to get a small one and put it in a small like 2 gallon aquarium to put on his desk by his computer....maybe more people out there are like him and would even buy your little mantis if you ever catch it. couldn't hurt to check around locally. Some people like the novelty of it. I know my roommate just wanted it "to watchit kill stuff" and try to further his tough guy image he tries so very hard to keep up, but still....point is: people might want it. to each his own
Its more likely u have a "spearer" then, than a "smasher".