Mantis Shrimp


New Member
How does one get rid of a Mantis shrimp? The clicking sound seems to be getting louder and louder. I bought a Mantis shrimp trap but all it seem to catch are the turbo snails. Any suggestions?


I just got rid of mine today, I tried those traps, and I caught my poor starfish! <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> I finally got rid of him when I saw him yesterday. All you have to do is if you see it look really closely where it goes, that is its home. I just took out the rock he lives in and it's outside right now.


Active Member
yeah the traps hav enever worked IME, and manual removal always seems to be teh best, but be careful cause these guys are really agressive. A nickname for some is "thumb-splitters" because they have knifelike appendages, that can split thumbs!!
good luck


Active Member
Are you positive it is a mantis shrimp.
If you are finding empty snail shells that were once occupied then the clicking may very well be from a mantis cracking on the snail shells.
I had a clicking in my tank once also and it turned out to be a pistol shrimp.
Unfortunatly I had to remove all my LR to get the little guy out.


New Member
As far as seeing this pest, that's the problem. I haven't been able to see it. I just hear the clicking getting louder. I have approx. 130 lbs. of lr so it's going to be a not so fun day when I have to resort to dipping the rock. Will the dipping harm my LR? If I iodine dip it will it harm the LR? About 5 months ago I iodine dipped a coral that was on a rock base and low and behold a super tiny transparent shrimp with a large claw shot out of the rock. It looked like a mantis shrimp.
As far as determining if its a mantis or pistol shrimp. To tell you the truth I don't know because I've never seen it. Some of my fish have been MIA. Plus my turbo snail population has diminished. I have a little <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> cemetary in the back of the tank--there's lots of empty snail shells. But could the missing snails be caused by blue crabs?
<img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


I don't know how to catch one but I did want to comment about an auction place I saw that actually has them for sale and bidding started at 35.00 and there were actual bids on it....go figure. I guess if you do ever catch it and can hold it somewhere easy to get to, you could put it up for sale...LOL I think the place is called "About"


Not trying to be negative or anything, but I saw my Mantis Shrimp in the rock before I put the rock in fresh water- and he never came out. The rock is still outside now. (probably dead) Maybe the dip will work for you.