Mantis Shrimp



I have a question... I know most peeple don't like the mantis when they get it w/ there lr... I was wondering if anyone from ohio or michigan was looking to get rid of theres.... I'm currently looking to set one up in a hex5 on a stand in the kitchen table...


woooaaah. mantis shrimp r cool but they scare me. if u do i would never put any fish or anything else living in that tank cuz of fear of wat the mantis would do to it. i would even be afraid to put my hand in the tank.
But good luch and have fun


yea they are.. yea I plan on putting him in a 5 gallon hex5 eclipse... i got good word from another person very interested in the mantis shrip also and they said that would be a good tank... oh no nothing else will be going in there with except for his dinner..


I am looking for one too. At one of the stores here in cincy they have 6" clown mantis for sale. The thing is awesome, but it's like 50 bucks. I am gonna do a 20 gal with lr.


when mantis srimps get to nearly thier full size potential about 10-12 inches long they may break the quarium glass becuse of thier power and strength. Normally happens
when agitated i.e water changes
Fishermen have anickname for them "thumbspitters" i would definetly not suggest putting your hand in the tank with 1.
im from the uk and read PFK practical fish keeping in the nov 2002 issue it explains in more detail
just trying to give u more info not scare u:)


Active Member
first of all, your mantis wont get to 10-12 inches. and dr. caldwell has seen mantis shrimp break plastic also which is showing that your acrylic tank cant hold them either. i keep mine in a 10 gallon glass, a lot of people keep theirs in a glass tank because they wont break the glass for the hell of it. the one thing they will break is your heater. make sure you get a stainless steel or titanium heater. also make sure it doesn't have an orange light on it when it turns on becasue they seem to get attracted to it and attack it. for better information on mantis shrimp check out and at reefcentral they have a whole forum dedicated to mantis shrimp. people there will be willing to just give them to you if you pay the cost of shipping.


i have amantis shrimp once when i didnt no much about them untill a 10.5 inch crack appeared and put a little hole in my glass when a fish bugged it. i had to repair the gap where water was geetting though