Mantis shrimp

Thanks, my friend has a 15 gallon he isn't using so I'll take that one from him and set it up. I haven't seen any Mantis Shrimps ibn the local fish stores. I might have better luck finding a live one from the ocean.


Active Member
Your shrimp will feel a lot more comfortable with more liverock. Do you know what species you are getting? Some, such as O. scyllarus, live in sand burrows, so a deeper sand bed may be needed. As for the whole acrylic v. glass debate, unless you have a very large O. scyllarus, you don't really need to worry about it. Bo
Yes, I was planning on getting a Peacock Mantis, but right now, I'm 15 and I don't have enough money for reef lights and liverock. I'm trying as hard as I can to make this tank be one I can be proud of. I decided on getting a 20g tank for him and taking livesand from a resort im going to ( if it's legal). thanks for the help. What is a good price for the Peacock? I just don't want to get ripped off.

sea goblin

Member sells the pecock mantis for $35 i think. Its the only place that i have come accross that sells them online. If you need cheep sand you can get it at a home depot or other home hardware places. They sell play sand for like $5 for a 50 lbs bag. If you can, get southdown, if not then quick krete will work too.
Sea Goblin
Yeah, I was going to buy it from but they are out of stock. Well, i got a 20 tank yesterday with a filter for a 30g tank, and a rio600 powerhead. Do I need much else for this tank??


Active Member
hey phoenix im also 15 i know how you feel about trying to make a tank you can be proud of my tank is cloudy as hell right now but im trying.
Thanks Logan, you know I've heard that O. Scallyrus ( or however u spell it) is a Spearer. But I've also heard is both smasher and spearer. How can this be possible? I thought they were one or the other, somebody lease clue me in. I just got a glass aquarium and i dont want him to barge through it!!!
Since O. scyllarus is a Spearer, to my knowledge, would it be ok to add some snails and emerald crabs and small hermits? or would he still try to eat them. Forgive my relentless questions about Mantis Shrimps, i just want this tank to be a good one with not as many deaths (not on purpose) as my other tank has gone through. Please help. Thank you.