Mantis v. Trigger


New Member
Right now I have a niger trigger( about 4 inches long) in my 125 gal. and I am thinking about buying a mantis shrimp because I find them to be very entertraining but Will I have any trouble with the mantis attacking the trigger


Active Member
I'd vote that either the Niger will kill the mantis or the Mantis the Niger... but I personally vote for the Niger.


The trigger will kill the mantis unless you get a large spearer mantis (hard to find for sale), then it's a toss up of whoever attacks first. Smasher mantis generally do not attack fish unless they are small bottom dwellers, even then they will go after inverts first. A mantis will also be very hard to find in a 125, if it establishes itself in the back of the tank you will never see it. They do better in smaller species set ups.