

New Member
I have a 55 FOWLR. I had a banded coral shrimp disappear the next day after introduced to my tank(minus some tentacles left behind). I'm also noticing scarlet hermits disappearing slowly and found a couple shells that previously had scarlets in them empty. I have 2 peppermint shrimp that are still alive, 10 or more blue legs, a brittle star, a emerald crab, and 10 astrea snails. Is this the work of a mantis or does the scarlet have some other enemy that might be doing this. There are no fish yet in the tank. I've watched the tank at night and haven't seen anything unusual. The peppermint shrimp live in the LR where the banded disappeared and they haven't been bothered?
Also, I had several aiptasia(sp) growths in my tank and the peppermint shrimp got them all except for a very large one. Thanks for all the info on this subject and the help this board provides to us all.