

not a good pic but i was in a hurry didnt want to miss the shot,he only did this one other time and i didnt get a shot.


Active Member
NICE fish!! I almost bought one of these one time but came to remember it grows to be 26 inches long and I just did not feel like dealing with that load. I was so tempted though because the LFS offered me a nice size juvenile for $60. Anyone who knows about mappa puffers knows that that is an incredible deal.


in the 13yrs my lfs has been around they said it was only the fourth one the had ever had. i got him for $150,and ive seen them online for over $400!
i had to have him i bought the tank he is in just for him. i dont know if what they said was true but doing my research i did find that they are very rare.i love this guy, he has so much personality and when i come to the tank he almost always comes over to say hi