Maracyn 2


I've been trying to catch my fish all day with no success. Now I noticed that my other black perc has a white spot right under his lip. That is how the first one started. My question is once I catch the both of them and put them in my QT tank. How should I drug them up using maracyn 2?
They seem to have some sort of gill disease at least that is what I was told on my last post. Thanks,


Try to catch your fish at night when they are sleeping.
Use the Maracyn-Two at the double dose each and every day for 7 to 10 days if the infection appears to be internal, 5 to 7 days for external. A small water change before each dose is recommended because the organics in the water can inactivate the antibiotics.


I've been trying to catch them at all times at night. They used to sllep at the very top of the water. So, back then it was easy for me to catch them but know they think there slick and they sleep next to a rock and the glass of my tank. Not enough room to get the net in without getting it all tangled on the rocks. Today I am going all out, I'll be taking out all the rocks if I have to.
The instructions say to use 2 tablets first day for 20 gallons and 1 tablet every day after that. I am using a 10gallon QT tank so should I just follow the instructions for a 20 gallon that would be a double dose?


I caught them both. It was a long strong battle to catch the female but hey Man will always prevail. Anyways I was told by Thomas to use double the recommended dose (instructions). So, I put in 2 tablets in my 10 gallon QT. Does that mean I have to put 1 tablet in for the next 9 days? Instructions say 1 tablet per 20 gallons.
My Qt tank has a heater a regular mini power filter no bio-wheel or filter pad and some fake logs and plants for the 2 percs can hide. Is this all I need? Should I put in a pad in the filter with no carbon? Thanks for your help.


Terry, I checked the symptoms for brooklynella and my fish doesn't have the slime or the red under the gills. Plus I heard the fish don't live but a couple of days with that disease. Mines had it for about a week now and he still eats and swims around not as active as before but a slight difference. Now, I maybe wrong on the symptoms but that is what I came up with on the search in this forum. I think I recall the treatment for brooklynella being maracyn 2. I'll do a search on it. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks,


Okay, eyes are fine clear and regular size. Appetite is regular still very acive but the one that has been sick longer is slightly less active.
A week ago, I noticed a white circle right under his mouth. It had a red ring around the white part. I though he got into it with a bristle worms since they are new to my tank (came with some LR I purchased about 3 weeks ago) and he is pretty aggressive. A couple days passed and I noticed a second small white spot with the same redness around it right next to his first spot. So, I though okay I missed round 2. Maybe 2 to 3 days later I noticed his right gill is swollen I mean very swollen he looks like rocky after he fought apollo. That's when I knew something was up, it had to be a disease and not battle wounds. That's when I got into the forum for help. The next day I looked at the other black perc and he had a white dot under his mouth. I decided I was going to medicate both of them in my Qt tank. Took me 2 days to catch them which was earlier this morning the 6th of nov. I have them in there now with maracyn 2 running.
Only 1 of his gills is swollen. His mouth stays open and he is breathing rapidly. The other perc just has a white dot under his lip. i'll give you in update in the morning on how they look.
P.S. All of my other fish are fine. 6-line, sailfin blenny and yellow dwarf angel. Thanks,


I'm going to look for furacyn at the store today can't say I've seen it before. Is there another brand out there with the same ingredients just in case I don't see it? I'm also going to purchase formalin so I can start doing the dips.
Update on the fish in the QT tank as you already know fish have been in there for 24 hours with maracyn 2 running. The fish that only had one white spot has no spot that I can see. The other that was very sick doesn't have the white spots anymore but I can see the red that was around the white spot he had earlier. Looks like 2 red spots under his mouth, his right gill still is swollen.
Hey Terry, I do have a medicine that I was fooled into purchasing a while back from a pet shop to help cure ick. I've never used it, it is called LIFE BEARER it says it is used to eliminate gill flukes, fish lice, anchor worms and leeches. Active ingredients are 0.0-dimeythyl, 1-hydroxy, 2-trichloromethyl phosphonate. ??? Is this recommended you did say gill flukes.
Thanks for your patience.


Purchased the formalin today, will start doing dips tomorrow. I am going to go with 20 drops per gallon for 45 minutes like posted in the FAQ's.
Update on the fish one seems like normal I'm starting to think maybe it was a bubble or a piece of sand stuck to him because he looks perfect. As for the other one he will be going through the dips he is still eating and active as both fish always swim together. Right gill is still very swollen.


Hey Terry, since I've treated my black perc with Maracyn 2 for 10 days with doubling the dosage as recommended and doing formalin dips, I think my fish has gotten worse. He is still breathing fast but he is able to close his mouth before he couldn't close it. He still eats very well and swims around like if he's fine. His right gill is still swollen but yesterday I noticed a brown spot on the bottom portion of his gill and today I noticed the brown spot is missing but he does have a hole on his gill. Along the first white stripe starting from his head. Should I run the furacyn that you recommended when I had already begun to run the maracyn? Should I start doing the formalin dips again?


I have done water changes, no improvement, he is in a 10 gallon qt tank. I purchased the furacyn, should I follow the directions or double the dosage? Directions say 2 capsules per 10 gallons, treat every other day for 5 days, that means 3 recommended treatments. Fish is still active like I last posted. Thanks