Maracyn two question


Sorry to bother you guys with this question. I went to the store and bought maracyn two to treat pop eye today. Well I get home and the store sold me freshwater Maracyn Two. Are they the same by any chance? The store is over 1 hour away and it's Christmas eve. Sould I or should I not try it.


Active Member
I don't know if any moderators are posting today so I will take a stab at this one. I prescribe Minocycline for humans but have not used it for fish.
Looking at the website, , it appears that the only difference is that the saltwater mix has B-complex vitamins. I have no idea if these are really necessary or not. I also don't know if the concentrations are different. If no one else posts otherwise, I would imagine that you would be fine following the freshwater directions.
I hope the website post comes through. I'm still somewhat new at posting these. If it doesn't the mail page was
Good Luck and Happy Holidays. I have to be on call tonight so while it is quiet I am checking out these boards. Christmas eve tends to be quiet (except for parents bringing in their kids with colds wanting antibiotics).


Active Member
Well, I just learned something. You don't need to use the "http://" button to post websites. The links work!


THnaks for the link and your research. I did call the LFS and they claim that I can't use it. I'm not sure what to do. I guess the first thing to do is try to catch fish and get it to the QT tank. Maybe beth of Terry might post by the time I catch my fish.
Agin thanks and happy holidays to you. Sorry to hear that you are on call.


Staff member
If you can get the SW variety within the next day or so, then do an exchange. If not, then use it. Its the same med, minus the B complex, as the doc said. However, the B complex seems to do a lot of good with fish. I have also noticed that the FW variety of M2 does not dissolve as well as the SW variety so you may want to to crush it up a bit. If you want to spend the extra $$ you can start the treatment now, then after xmas, get the M2 for SWF and begin using it instead.


Here is an update. I tried to catch the fish, but he is way to fast. Today it seems that his eye is fine. What I thought was pop eye may have just been some iritation from some LR. I did notice some black spots. (turbellaria) I guess. Looks like I still have to catch him some way so I can treat with formalin unless I can use this in a reef. I really hope I can catch this fish. (hippo tang) very fast.


Staff member
Popeye is commonly caused by an eye irritation and can be addressed just by "time" and good water quality. It is really a symptom of something gone wrong, rather than the cause itself. Thus, a bacterial infection can also cause popeye.
Yep, you need to treat the fish for sure. Happy catching! :joy: