marble catshark


I have a 55 g tank and a 250g tank.In the summer im going to get a 4 inch marble cat in there.I know thats not big enough but when he gets to big for it im going to move it in the 250.How long can I have it in the 55.


Is the 250g cycled? If it is you should just put the shark in that. I don't know how long it will live in a 55 for though, but my bamboo lived in my 37g for a about month and it wasn't cramped in it so I'd say about 6 months at most. Risc can prolly give you a more accurate answer though.


Where are you getting one that small?
I had always thought they were larger than that at birth.
The smallest one I had ever seen for sale was about 12 inches. Most come in to the stores at around 18 to 20 inches in length.
Hell, if you can really get one that size, give me the name of the place to call. I would love to get one but like I said before I seriously doubt they can get one that size for you.
Anyway, as long as you leave ample swimming space in the 55 (not filled with LR like in a reef tank) you should be able to house it in there until the 250 has matured enough to move it.


I have the book sharks and rays it said when it hatches it is 3 inches.But I wouldnt get them that small becuase it would be just born and it wolud be healthier at 4 inches.


you are in for a treat I have had the same shark. They have there own personality. I hatched him from an egg and grew him to about 30" he was awesome. He ate out of my hand and everything. If I was you and your big tank is set up and cycled I would start the shark off in that tank. You are in for a great treat with your soon to be new fish. You will treat him just like he is your kid, i know I did.