Marbled Cat Shark, who has one?


I had one a while ago but I had to give her up because I went a different way with my tank. The Lfs that I gave her to still have her. Maybe when I get another house I will buy a bigger tank and get her back. Here is a picture of her with my nurse shark that I use to have too.


Ive always wondered
How big do they get?
What size tank do they need to be in for full growth?
Do they grow fast?
What fish are u allowed to have in there with them?
Redman that is a white spotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium Plagiosum, cool shark but I am looking for the marble coral cat shark, Atelomycterus Marmoratus.
As for tank size of the white spotted, min of 160 according to Scott W. Michael (Aquarium Sharks & Rays), definately no lion, they can sting the shark, a moray should be a suitable tank mate, you just have to watch the shark, most of the bamboo sharks are pretty chill, but I have read the smaller coral catsharks have occationally nipped eels, and gone after other tank mates


Originally Posted by powderblutang
Redman that is a white spotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium Plagiosum, cool shark but I am looking for the marble coral cat shark, Atelomycterus Marmoratus.
As for tank size of the white spotted, min of 160 according to Scott W. Michael (Aquarium Sharks & Rays), definately no lion, they can sting the shark, a moray should be a suitable tank mate, you just have to watch the shark, most of the bamboo sharks are pretty chill, but I have read the smaller coral catsharks have occationally nipped eels, and gone after other tank mates
Kool thanks!
But ya im looking at getting a banded cat shark i think they are beautiful sharks
just remember they don't stay that awesome black banded coloration, eventually, as with all of the bamboo sharks, turn gray, according to the same book, they would do well in a 180, but I have seen and heard of great success in a 125 but the more room the better


Originally Posted by powderblutang
just remember they don't stay that awesome black banded coloration, eventually, as with all of the bamboo sharks, turn gray, according to the same book, they would do well in a 180, but I have seen and heard of great success in a 125 but the more room the better

Well hey a shark is a shark XD
but i will just be happy to have one XD