Marco Rubio -What did you think of his rebuttal?


Active Member
Marco Rubio
What did you think of his rebuttal?
I found it ironic:
Said he paid off his $100K federal student loans two months ago at the age of 41. Since graduating has been suckling at the teat of government his entire life.
Perhaps that’s the hypocrisy of the GOP, government is bad even though it’s a way of life. Government has provided Marco; food, clothing and shelter since high school. Some would contend that’s a definition of welfare….

darthtang aw

Active Member
Marco Rubio
 What did you think of his rebuttal?
I found it ironic:
Said he paid off his $100K federal student loans two months ago at the age of 41.  Since graduating has been suckling at the teat of government his entire life.
Perhaps that’s the hypocrisy of the GOP, government is bad even though it’s a way of life.   Government has provided Marco; food, clothing and shelter since high school.  Some would contend that’s a definition of welfare….
There is a difference between LOAN and welfare. That is just over 14,000 dollars paid back a year. If he graduated at 24. Over a thousand bucks a month......yeah, that sounds like welfare all right. :drinkingco:


Active Member
Welfare is relying on government checks to sustain your living....
The student loan is relying on the government to assist you. There is corporate welfare involved, too, I failed to mention - that the horrible government was backing the student loans with while lining the banks pockets risk free.
My point is he is so reliant on government - he wouldn't know what to do without it....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Welfare is relying on government checks to sustain your living....
The student loan is relying on the government to assist you.  There is corporate welfare involved, too, I failed to mention - that the horrible government was backing the student loans with while lining the banks pockets risk free.  
My point is he is so reliant on government - he wouldn't know what to do without it.... 
Are you really trying to compare a loan that was paid back to welfare which is never paid back?


Active Member
So a Republican using the example of his student loan being paid back as an example of an area where government is helpful is somehow hypocrisy? Newsflash! Conservatives don't hate government. We hate liberals who have grown government far beyond it's intended role.


Staff member
I wouldn't consider a student loan welfare at all, since you do pay it back with interest. Where it becomes welfare is when the deadbeat students who got an education refuse to actually pay it back. Now that is deadbeat 101.


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Originally Posted by zman1 http:///t/394616/marco-rubio-what-did-you-think-of-his-rebuttal#post_3512272
Marco Rubio
What did you think of his rebuttal?
I found it ironic:
Since graduating has been suckling at the teat of government his entire life.

Perhaps that’s the hypocrisy of the GOP, government is bad even though it’s a way of life. Government has provided Marco; food, clothing and shelter since high school. Some would contend that’s a definition of welfare….
I made a mistake in allowing this to move to a Federal Student loan response. The underlined text above is the point. Since his pronounced beliefs on what government should be, it is in opposition of how his he has lived his life. Taxpayers
in state and federal government have paid for for his FCS since graduating. Living off on the hard work of others.

darthtang aw

Active Member
 I made a mistake in allowing this to move to a Federal Student loan response. The underlined text above is the point.    Since his pronounced beliefs on what government should be, it is in opposition of how his he has lived his life.  Taxpayers in state and federal government have paid for for his FCS since graduating.  Living off on the hard work of others. 
Really? explain further instead of giving a vague statement. This is the longest reach I have seen in a long time.


Active Member
LOL good one - not afraid, just regurgitating the Reich Wing rhetoric....
His only primary income since graduating has been receiving paychecks from taxpayers. Bad for a progressive, but great for a Reich Winger....


Staff member
Serving in government positions isn't exactly welfare. LOL Your argument is so off the chart, its not debatable. No one would say that being a Senator is the same as being on welfare, except you.


Active Member
Perhaps you are in the minority and think they are are actually earning their money..... Getting paid to do nothing or accomplish nothing is welfare, sorry.


Active Member
He did fine reading the prompter. It rubbing his face that's the bigger issue. His handler's should have had a glass of water close, the guy is known for having to sip water during speeches.


Active Member
" It rubbing his face that's the bigger issue. "
Funny you say that - wiping sweat from both sides of his face. I gave him the benefit of doubt, hot lights were the reason. Though when he rubbed his upper lip, I heard the raspy beard shadow rub - LOL


Active Member
I guess whoever did that whole setup was an incompetent boob. The light was right above his head just out of camera view. I reminds me of the tunnel response Bob Dole did years ago. It looked like something out of an old horror movie.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Pathetic actually. No one has actually discussed what he said and the message conveyed.......
Just the amount of sweat and the drink of water is all we heard about from the news. No wonder we live in a nation of idiots.................


Staff member
I think people were expecting a speech that would make tingles run up our leg, but we didn't get that.
I'm left to wonder how many very good politicians never make it because they are not charismatic or can not showboat. Or, even worse, those who can do that, resulting in winning elections, but are horrible leaders.