marine betta


I got a marine betta 2 days ago. All he does is hide. I'm now sure he's eating. He is in a 120g with a sailfin tang and a foxface( rabbit fish) Will he come out to eat or stay behind the rocks and find food there?


Active Member
They do hide a lot. They dont like the bright lights or agressive fish but if it is eating then it should be OK and over time should be in veiw more.


Look after the lights are out, this is when they usually come out, if it has not eat try feeding this fish when the lights are out. You can try Krill or smaller silver sides on a feeder stick, try to soak the foods in vitamins 3-4 times per week. They are night predators and night feedings may be necessary.
If you do a search on this fish it is also known as the Comet..........


I've had mine for a few years and it is going on 8" now. He is beautiful, but never very active. During the day it will come out and pick a spot in the tank to stay still in for a few hours. They are not aggresiive eaters, so I always have to spot feed mine with a piece of food and a skewering rod. He will normally eat once a day, sometimes skipping a meal when he doesn't want to come out.
My advise would be to keep trying to spot feed him like I do mine. They are carnivores, so don't rely on him to find his own food. What have you been trying to feed it?


I've had mine for a few years and it is going on 8" now. He is beautiful, but never very active.
Nice...... Do you have a picture? The betta is a beautiful fish, I almost got one so read up on it but never tried it. I questioned it with my Little Clowns and my Filefish can be a bugger at times.


Sure, but the pic does it absolutely no justice. One of the more unique looking saltwater fish I think.



I had one for several years in a 90 gallon before I broke itdown to move. He was my favorite fish-or was that the flame hawk?? Anyway, he did eat live brine shrimp and live black worms voraciously. That is all that I ever SAW him eating in my tank-though they will eat any small shrimp you introduce into your tank or any wormy critters crawling on your rock. mne hung out most of the time in a corner of the tank behind the rock and next to the intake overflow-or right under it. At least it was on the side of the tank facing the room so I could see him.


Yes, they definitely are not heavy eaters. They are very hardy though and don't seem to need much food. Great beginner fish.


That is one beautiful fish you have boalgf, they are unique and yet you don't hear about them to often. You are the first I have seen with one that large, Impressive!


Active Member
Did you know, that in the wild, Marine Betta's and Whitemouth Morays (like mine), have a symbiotic relationship?


Originally Posted by AW2
Did you know, that in the wild, Marine Betta's and Whitemouth Morays (like mine), have a symbiotic relationship?
I've heard. They have very similar coloration. My current tankmates wouldn't really allow for a whitemouth though. Have you considered getting one to go with your eel?


Did you know, that in the wild, Marine Betta's and Whitemouth Morays (like mine), have a symbiotic relationship?
That's Cool, never heard that before, I am Not an eel person ..... I tried one eel and that was the White Eye Moray, what a mess, it tried to eat my fuzzy dwarf & filefish right away .... :help: LOL