marine bioligist


Active Member
Depends how you define it
I believe there are several students, and several who were marine biologists in the past.

lil gobie

go to school for it or really is one or was and tell me alot about the job i am looking into becoming one :happy:


Active Member
There is a thread in the photography forum on inverts by Shoreliner and that has some current discussion. And there was another recent thread on it as well.
Unfortunately, it is a HUGE field of study so it is difficult to give general details. It can refer to all manner of types of work. There is no one "job" that a marine biologist does except to say that it deals in some form with life in the ocean, or with other environments impacted by the ocean.

lil gobie

are you a marine biologist or what if you are can you please tell me any info or if you go to a school and what school
thanks justin


Got a B.S. in biology and a M.S. in aquatic biology. Did my thesis on an impact study (benthic marcoinvertebrates, water chemistry, and fish surveys). Glad I got my MS, but wouldn't want to do it over again.