MaRiNe BiOlOgY ./././././


you count plankton is a cubic foot of seawater, measure whale blubber, and beg others for food.



you could get lucky and do studys in a reef but that is a long shot ..


Active Member
You don't just study fish...
You study life in the marine environment.
Whether that is protists, bacteria, invertebrates or fish or whales...
Or whether it is whatever factor in the marine environment (water, geology, physics, chemistry) that impacts that life.
It is a very diverse field that encompasses physics, chemistry, geology, ecology, biology and a whole lot of other fields.
A marine biologist may study coral reefs, rocky shores, sandy beaches, maritime forests, the deep sea, hydrothermal vents, hypersaline ecosystems....tropical to arctic....and lots of other stuff too.


and a quick way to start teaching biology at your local highschool and bartend in the evenings.
And if you get 3 degrees in Marine Biology (Masters, Bachelors and Assoc in Marine Tech)... you get to dream of someday getting work that you can actually use your degrees in.... instead of working on computers and staring at your saltwater fish tank thinking (so this is what I have those degrees for).


Active Member
Man, I would love to just figure out how many marine biologists are on this board and what they actually do, LOL! :D There are quite a few eager students ;)
I've got the bachelors and Master's (was a year out of the PhD before finally learning something and quitting)....the closest I've come to using it was teaching a two week summer course in marine bio a couple of times. Have worked at an LFS, public aquarium, and now, in front of a computer :D But there is always retirement......


Short of a few short stints with NOAA and the NC Marine fisheries (both were temporary projects and were less than 2 months long). I've done this much with it ---><

But I'de still do it all over again just for the experiences...I may not work with my degrees anymore, but my heart will always be there. when I retire I'll join a commercial fishing crew... just for fun.


What did you do at the public aquarium? Just curious - I wish we had one less than 2 hours away from here!
claire :)


Active Member
I probably wouldn't have done as much schooling as I too far away from what I loved :)
As for the public aquarium work...
I did water quality testing primarily for about 8 months, but then moved from that into more specific aquarist duties. Basically keeping fish tanks, but at a far larger scale :)


I teach second graders and I really appreciate the fact that summer break is coming!!!
But my dream is to have gotten a marine biology education and work in that field. So now, I keep hoping that an aquarium will open nearby sometime soon and maybe I can work as an educator there. I care a lot about the kids I teach and fully support public education, but I wish I could say I love my job!:thinking:


Active Member
Believe me, I am not sure how many people can really "love their job." I loved the WORK at the aquarium - back breaking, constantly moving...but the pay was horrendous (bouncing checks bad - I took a pay cut from working at the LFS!), management had serious issues as well. So in the end my "perfect job" became the recipe for severe stress. :( And the educators had some of the worst possible jobs where I worked.... So I think it is more of being able to say "I can STAND my job." :)


Yeah, I guess you're right. It's better to learn to like what you do, or at least be able to stand it! Those people who say they love their jobs are probably just delusional, anyway!



Hey Claire...I'm a teacher too and I LOVE teaching, but I do not love my job; go figure. Anyone that says "I love my job" has brain damage. (IMO)
:notsure: :notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


my girlfriend asked me why i'm not using my microbiology degree for marine micro, and i told her "you see this apartment? if i didnt mind living here until retirement i would be a marine biologist... clinical lab science and biotech research may not be as much fun or sexy, but they will pay the bills and support my marine biology HOBBY!"


Active Member
im still in high school, and have wanted to be a marine biologist for a long time. Both my mom and my dad were waiters, that is actualy how they met, so id say i konw what ill REALY be doing with my life after college. Haha!! And the other thing i want to be is an actor, weather it be strait theater or musical theater....
as The Doors said...
like a dog without a bone
and actor 'out a lone
riders on the storm...
so yeah... lets jsut say ill be a waiter no matter what i get a degree in.