marine glo and power glo bulbs


are these lights are good to a reef tank im using both but i was told there is not enough watts to substain life in the reef in a couple of wks im going to get a different lighting setup what would be a good system for a 29gal tank.


Active Member
My prev set up was lit by 2 life glo, 2 marine glo, 1 power glo bulbs. Each was 40 watts. It was good and nice lighting.
Marine glo is 7100K actinic
Life glo is 6700K daylight with built-in reflector (imo best white NO fluoriscent bulb).
Power glo is 18000K bulb.
As with any NO fluoriscent bulbs light penetration is low. I kept brain corals(at hte bottom), softies, LPS (Frogspawn, Fox), polyps, with a good grows rate. I doubt you will be able to keep SPS corals like acropora, monipora. Well, you maybe will be able to keep them alive for awhile.


yea thats what im saying pretty much those kind of lights just substain life but not prolong it and help it grow im using them because its the only thing i have right know soon i will be upgrading my lighting system maybe thats why i havent seen anything growing off of my liverock i have only one polyp he dont open like he should i know what i have to do. NEW LIGHTING.


Active Member
Julius - WOHHH! Use fullstops man!
Yes I had marine glos and they are great for FOWLR tanks but not much use for corals and especiallu coraline IME.
All the best,


until i get new lighting i really wont have anything growing but what the hell are they good for if they cant maintain corals lives so pretty much the liverock and corals is useless in power-glo and marine-glo lighting


i have only a single bulb in there right know its the marine-glo i think its only 20 watts i switch off between the both of them i dont think it makes a bit of a diff except in color.