Marine S.A.T.


New Member
Saw a new product at my lfs on the counter called MARINE S.A.T.
It's supposed to be a biological clarifier that claims to be 100% live
bacteria. It also claims to reduce hair algae problems as well as other types of algae.
Anyone ever here about or tried this product. Just curious.:thinking:


It only helped my hair algae temperarily. It came back even worse. You're much better off finding the real problem then hoping for a quick fix. The guy at the LFS said the algae becomes immune to it eventually. They tried it in their system & had the same results. They won't even sell it anymore!!

nm reef

Active Member
I have been aware of this product and its claims for a while...but I'm skeptical about how effective it is. Below is a quote from their own site promoting their products...
"UltraClear Marine SST TIPS
UltraClear Marine SST is a non-chemical solution for saltwater clarity and suspended solids problems. Marine SST is completely non-toxic to marine environments and all marine species. Marine SST is loaded with extremely high concentrations of saltwater versions of nitrosomonas, nitrobacter, and bacillus. These bacteria work together to consume nitrogen and phosphorous more rapidly than any undesirable marine organisms can. It is vitally important to realize that Marine SST does not eliminate all growth. Some algae are a natural and vital part of any aquarium or natural ecosystem. Rather, Marine SST functions to consume the excess nutrients that are often unavoidable in closed systems such as saltwater aquariums and reef tanks.
Marine SST is a natural way to eliminate the problems associated clarity and solids problems. Proper Marine SST use will make routine tank maintenance much more effective. However, some maintenance will still be required. Marine SST will help reduce undesirable growth and decayed algae. Overall, the product is used to keep the system in biological balance, prevent blooms, minimize (but not eliminate) maintenance, and beautify the marine systems."
If I'm not mistaken nitrosomonas, nitrobacter, and bacillus are bacterias that occur naturally in marine systems and are the foundations of the nitrogen cycle that sustains marine systems. So the product seems to me to be nothing more than a boost to the natural nitrification process of a marine system. Based on that it may consume excess nutrients and provide a temporary relief from algae problems but I doubt that it would be effective long term. A much better solution would be to determine the source of the excess nutrients and control/eliminate them via other means which would make addition of extra nitrosomonas, nitrobacter, and bacillus unnecessary to begin with.