Marine Snow?


Active Member
The bottle of marine snow claims that "Frequent feeding will not cause build up of excess nutrients."
Is that true? How?


Active Member
In short, as a general statement it's BS. Marine Snow is a Plantonic food that can very easily cause a build up of nutrients. Used in small doses frequently I would think the system could process the nutrients though. I have started feeding recently and plan to do so three times a week unless a problem arise. The portions will be very small to start and may increase as time goes by depending on how the tank reacts.

bang guy

Pour out some Marine snow and look at it in a microscope. It will make you angry. Especially if you compare it to a quality product like DTs.


Active Member
I was thinking about doing that, but I don't have a microscope.
Since ordering it, I have decided to culture my own phyto and then in turn rotifers, but I was considering DT's. Isn't DT's only phyto, while Marine Snow contains Phyto as well as Zooplankton? Or am I falling for a sneaky marketing gimik?