Marine Tank Clarifier for hair algea removal?


New Member
the lfs guy said he uses Marine tank Clarifier to remove hair algea from the tanks he services. He says it doesn't say anything on the bottle about gettin rid of unwanted algea but insists it works. anybody use this stuff to get rid of that greem nasty? the product is from Coralife


Active Member
Never heard of such a thing and sometimes it is hard to trust a LFS.
On the other hand sometimes things like that have unforeseen side effects.
Keep us posted and let us know any more info you may find on the subject.

madd catt

It says it prevents hair algea,slime,red,and other species of microalgae.easy filter removal and safe for fish,invertebrates and macroalgaes,This is description of the product only and ive never used it.From a fish cataloge


Dont use that product!!! I bought that marine tank clarifier and used it on my tank. All my corals closed and I had to do three huge water changes, to remove the product from my water and filter pads. I don't recommend using the product.
I have an aquarium maintence co. and we use it in all our tanks without problems. It will reduce alage growth by about 80% when used reg basis. Makes my work easy!!!


Active Member
On occasion, i use poly-ox by Kent when i get a nasty bout of brown algae or red cayno. It seems to clear up the algae in a week or so. I keep a reef tank and have NEVER had any problems with my corals or any other invert while using this product. HTH


Active Member
Another more natrul option is to add more janitors to your tank. If the algea is too long the snails and crabs will not touch it. You will have to get your hands wet and remove some by hand. This is probably the most common problem with marine tanks ao you are not alone. I had an outbreak once and removed some by hand and then orderd a clean up crew from SWF and have not had a problem since..
Good Luck...


i agree with wamp. My scarlet red and my 5 snails cleaned it all up...i also have not had a prob. with hair algae since! :)


i had a problem with hair algae but i put in a dozen or so algae eating shrimp and they took care of it within a week or so


i agree with wamp also. even if the clarifier does work, it's no fun to watch. get you some little cleaners...they definitely work and they're fun to watch. i use a little of that stuff when i do water changes to keep all the floaties out of the water..or at least to control it a little.