Marineland C-220 Canister filiter won't stop pushing out air bubbles


New Member
I've had my tank set up for about 2 months now and I am beginning to encounter problems with my canister filter (Marineland C-220). Every since I cleaned it and replaced some of the media the filter has not been the same. It keeps putting out small amounts of air bubbles in my tank.
Now, I know there is a lot of discussion if the bubbles are good or bad for the livestock. Regardless, I don't like them in my tank.
I've checked all of the seals and hoses for air leakes and still get the same result.
Any ideas?
Well if your inlet isnt taking in air than there has to be a leak some where or a pocket of air in there somewhere. Idk how marinelands are but my fluval on my freshwater tanks usually gets all of the air out. Imo it would have to be a hose. i doubt it would be a seal because water would be leaking out..... Hmm i guess it would be the same with a hose. In this case it would have to be the inlet. Cause water is being sucked in, where as if there was a hole in the outlet hose it would be leaking. Now this is just a guess. I hope you can fix it, if not contact marineland.