Marks bio-cube



Hello everyone
I never knew this would be so addicting
but i love it so far. I have an 8gal oceanic bio-cube. i bought it used but it is only one year old ive had it for a few months. these are its contents.
1.1/2 inch sand bed.
5 pounds live rock.
1 head of Hammer coral.
1 Condi aAnemony.
2 False Percula Clownfish.
1 Green Clown Goby.
1 Golden Headed Sleeper Goby.
1 Lawnmower Blenny.
2 Blueleg Hermit Crabs.
1 Red Hermit Crab.
1 Mexican Turbo Snail.
so am i doing well or what???
. im verry new to this so im not really sure on alot of stuff. my water has ben perfect from day on and i havedt really had any problems. besids my Lawnmower Blenny attacking and killing my Yellow Watchman Goby.and i had a cleaner shrimp and a horse shoe crab that died as well but im not sure on why they died. my deales is now a good friend and he tested my water personally here at my house and everything was fine so im stumped on that part. oh ya um how much current would be perfect for my tank?? it just seems that its not very strong and it could have alot mor current my pump isnt cloged andits at its max i think its a 50-75 gph im not sure but plz give me some good tips on this i hope to hear frome lots of peeps lol well grg l8rz


Active Member
HI and welcome to the boards!!! ( and the "addiction'
Read as much as you can here, allot of good info!! checkout my threads and you may get some good ideas. Just keep in mind that there are allot of opinion's and what works for others don't always work for you! so read,read,read. I think a nano power head (Korilla is what I use and love em!) would be good for more flow, also I think you may have too many fish in there, you'r bio-load may be a little high
I ahve been in and out of this hobby fro years and just started the reef side of it. This can be very rewarding but also very expensive so try not to go too fast! mistakes here cost big money!! If you post more info and pic's , you will get more responces. Tell us what you feed and when / PH/nitrite & nitrate levels/ ammonia ect... that will also help us help you! Some people here want to do all kinds of "mods" like rip you'r fiter apart and re-buld it, again I am sure it is good info but like I said check out my threads, I have a stock JBJ 24gal nano and have had great luck with all I keep. Welcome again and above all ... ENJOY YOU'R TANK!!!!!