Maroon Advice needed!


I'm in the process of trading out some livestock & could use some advice. I have a 25g tall & removed a three stripe damsel & maroon clown tonight while aclimating two new firefish. Still in the tank is a pair of f percs. The percs & maroon have been together for about 9 months get along relatively well since the maroon rarely leaves his anemone & was added after the percs. I removed him because he is bold & wanted the firefish to have a peaceful acclimation. The damsel is going back to the store tomorrow but I can't decide if I should keep the maroon. If I decide not to keep him, will the tank bred clowns take over his anemone? If I decide to keep the maroon, will he hurt the firefish or will he just assert himself with the other clowns? Thanks.


I think these are all questions no one can answer. The response could literally be "yes" and it could be "no." A lot depends on the personality of the individual fish. There is no way to know for sure if the other Clown will host an anemone. (Mine haven't...yet, I bloody well hope!) There's no way to know for sure if the maroon will bother the Firefish. It's all decisions...and risks. You could give it a try and see how things progress. If the maroon bothers the Firefish, couldn't you take him back then?


I *just* put a firefish in an established 29 with a maroon and a scooter blenny. Though I have observed him chase the firefish once or twice, on the whole, they actually leave each other alone all day.
Again, like Dmitry said, it's all up the individual fish, but I would say, with 2 firefish, and only one maroon, you could be OK. 25 gal, though, you shouldn't add anything past that...