maroon and colt trouble, help needed


I have a pair of marron and the male was hosting on colt coral.
I moved my polyps besides colt coral and maroon decided to host in both. Now he got stung badly and seems like he is paralized.
curved up but swimming, eating well. no known symtoms on it's body except it swims upside down on top, stay face down at bottom and swim regular while eating.
mostly it stays at bottom. Is there anything to cure the stung. BTW colt coral is messed up right after that too. Polyps are doing fine.
I will post colt pics too. I have given tech-d treatment to colt.
hope i can get some help.


Staff member
So what happened?? Who did the stinging? Is the fish still in the polyps, and what are the polyps?


seems like zoos did the sting. Some polyps are still closed on that zoos colony where maroon tried to host. Clown is in a 10 gal Q tank.
Colt seems like it's trying to be back to normal (better than it was yesterday).


Staff member
Do you know what kind of zoos? Some are extremely toxic and should not be handled. In fact, they probably should not even be in tanks. Check this out in the REEF forum for more input.
My guess is that this is the problem given what you have described so far.


Hi Beth ty for the update.
Here is the zoos that stung maroon clown (they r closed like in pic). Colt is gone for good.
Maroon is still in Qtank with no change.


Staff member
I'm going to send this over to the Reef Tank to see if some of the others think, and to see if we can get an ID on this species of zoo.