Maroon and False Percula


This is prabably a stupid question but here it goes
I have a small False Percula and small Gold striped Maroon clown. THey are buddies they stay by each other most of the time, when i see them in the morning they are usually together in a corner of the tank. The maroon is a tad more dominant then the f.percula when it comes to eating but other than that they are at peace. Which worried me when i first bought the maroon thinking he would be really mean towards the F.Percula. But scince i had the percula in the tank prior to the maroon i think this helped. SO to my question its NOT possible for different types of clowns to "pair up" is it? IF they both happened to be male would the Maroon turn female to be the dominant one or is that for just when they breed. Would these 2 share a anemone in the future or would i have to get 2 different anemones and hope they both take opposite ones, or should i not try and risk even putting anemones in with them scince they are peaceful now.
whew got a little long winded sorry.



Originally posted by slammy16
I have a small False Percula and small Gold striped Maroon clown.

I'll not say that its not possible, I'll let someone else do that, however I had the same combination once, long ago. Didn't take long and that maroon killed the ocellaris, but that was my experience.
As it gets older that maroon will get meaner, and more territorial, that you can believe.