Maroon clown and spots


I just picked up a really nice looking yellow stripe maroon clown and it seems to have sort of a white film/spots over it and it doesn't seem to be interested in any of the food I put in the tank. A friend told me to give it a 5 minute fresh water bath every day until the spot are gone, but as soon as I caught it and put it in the fresh water, the clown turned upside down and stopped moving. So, after about 15 seconds of that, I put it back in the salt water tank. Does anyone know what this is or how to treat it?


Active Member
The FW dip was not such a good idea since the clown is new and probably already stressed out. Fw dips are usually not effective and very stressful on the fish. It sounds like ich to me so you need to find another way to treat the fish if its not too late. I would put the fish in a hospital tank if not already and treat it.


I don't have a hospital tank set up right now. If I did, what do you treat it with? Also, I thought ick was bold white spots. I have seen it on tangs at the lfs. This looks more like it's skin is pealing or something?


Active Member
If the skin is pealing off then it is not ich. Don't know what it is. Maybe another member can help you because I am clueless as to what it is.