Maroon Clown Behavior & Anemone questions


New Member
I got 1 maroon clownfish (2.5 in.) in my 65 gal fish only tank, and it has lodged itself between two rocks and has been picking up the substrate and moving it to other areas of the tank, cleaning out to a glass bottom between the rocks. Anyone know what its doing? Also, I have a 29 gal tank and I'm looking to put a bubble tip anemone in. I have 260 watt lighting, is this a good idea?


This is common behavior with maroons. Mine used to clear the sand down to the glass too. She has chosen this as her spot, kind of like she is building a little nest. Things would bother mine, a hermit got too close she'd try to move it, she constantly pull on my thremometer probe, she hated it but not as much as she hated me!
A bta would do well in your 29, you certainly have plenty of light, I'd go for it.