Maroon Clown Chomping on BTA


I just purchased a gold stripe maroon clown.. Really cool fish.. Only problem is that it seems to be biting the tips off of my bubble tip anemone. I can literally see that he has chomped off about 10 or so... they are floating around the tank.... the anemone is still healthy, and fully opened up... just wondering if this is something that it should be doing, or if my clown fish was on crack or something..... any info on this would be fantastic...:notsure:
I posted a pic of the victim.....



Originally posted by nic_u812
I can literally see that he has chomped off about 10 or so... they are floating around the tank....
... just wondering if this is something that it should be doing,

Ahhh no he shouldn't be doing that.
Personally I would send the freak back to the psycho ward and get a different clown. This behavior just simply isn;t going to be healthy to the anemone.
On the wacky thought side perhaps your clownfish has a tooth ache and is using the anemone stinging cells to numb the sore tooth.:confused: ...just kidding.


New Member
My maroon clown does the same thing to my anenome and he harrasses everything else in my tank too. I want to get him the ----l out of there but he's too ---- fast. Yesterday I got a gold crown toad stool and he attacked it all day, viciously. Lesson learned: never get a maroon clown, becasue they are

Find a better way to experess yourself instead of that type of language.


Clown stopped eating his friend about 48 hours after he was introduced into the tank... I guess he was just making it suit him better or something... lol They are both happy, and getting along nicely


Do a search I think I heard that this is something they do when introduced. A buddy had the same thing happen on Monday when he got a rose. Ten seems like a lot though.


Visual Update:
Well, here is the victim.. Now doing much better... :happy:
It is amazing what a pair of 250 10K MH & 2 48" T5 Actnics will do for a tank.. hehehehehehehehe


If you squint just right, you can make out the gold stripe of the Clown Fish Terror.... He has calmed down a lot in the tank actually... Just doesn't like when visitors come to see his "pad" lol