Maroon Clown digging


New Member
well after a long while of just watching and watching, I finally decided to post my first post!
I have two Maroon clowns, I've had them for the past year or so, I bought the as a pair, but not a mated pair, anyways, they've been hosting in a anthellia <sp?> and around the base of it, they like swish their back tails and if their revering up for a race then fan some of the argoraite away. they have created a hole about athe size of a tea saucer ! Is this their way of "making a home" for the kids?!?! andy info will help me..:) and by the way, below are my tank specs:
36Bow front
130Watt PC lighting Coral Life
two canister filters
a maxi-jet 900 power head
Two Gold Stripped Maroon clowns
One Six line wrasse
Two Emerald crabs
6 turbos snails
3 conchs (small)
Four Pulsing xienias (it was one to begin with!)
Two Mushrooms
Anthellia (2, they split)
Orange Zoos'
one Maxima Clam (golden brown)
Pagoda coral
about 60lbs of base rock
30lbs of live rock
My clam, just for those that say you cant keep it in that type of lighting, I've had him since October of 2003 and has been doing very well..:)
Any help and or suggestions that I could add to the tank..I esp, want (need) info on the breeding habits of Clownfish! :) Thanks again..


Active Member
I have had a maroon for six years - single, and he constantly digs. My tank has a 6x4" bare area. He fans it and picks it up with his mouth, carries it to another part, then spits it out. I have read that this is what they do to get ready to mate. I guess even if there is no partner handy. Anything that blows into his "area" is moved away.


I used to have a Tomato that did the same thing. Right in the front of the tank. I used to drive me nuts.:mad: I read that it was typical mating behavior.


New Member
thats good news to hear!!!! Well they have been doing their wiggle dance again, so maybe someday I'll be a grandpa! Im also looking for other corals to put in my tank..any suggestions?! and thanks for the welcome..:cheer:


My maroon does that too. Him and my diamond goby always get in sand wars. One time I had just put some flake in the tank and it was almost gone, there was all small piece that floated down right in between the two of them, they both looked at each other and charged it. The maroon ended up getting it, instantly the goby filled his mouth with sand and spit it at the goby, then the marron did the "Wiggle Dance" and dusted the goby, they went back and forth three times, it was halarious.


New Member
My Tomato Clown does the same thing. When I purchased my anemone and introduced it into the tank, the Tomato about a week later started doing the rapid tail movement into the sand. He actually ended up digging a nice size hole in the sand right under a piece of live rock. The anemone moved right into the spot the Tomato dug out. The two are inseperable now.


smoothhounds...i love that bob marley picture....I have a poster that is about 4 feet by 3 feet of that in my room....and my clown does that seems to eat stuff that comes out of the sand (many pods and brineshimp hand out in sand near my front glass)


My clown did that too! Drove me nuts! I had all of these bare spots all over the tank where he hung out. (It was kind of cute, though)