maroon clown going bad


hi all! I would like to know if a maroon clown could nip at the tail of a cleaner wrasse until you see the flesh? I have only these two fish in a 50 g,i never notice agression but the cleaner sleep into a litle hole in a rock and his tail is out ,first i tought it was the hermits but now it's to much, u can see the flesh coming out


Before i got rid of my hermits they would always nip at my fish and i never to this day have seen my maroon nip. Not to say its impossible but from my experience, i would say hermits


Yikes I got one & he goes after my hand every time I go into the tank,I swat it with the net & he still comes back for more!,he,s worse than my yellow tang,2 pains in the rear


Active Member
Do you have an anemone in the tank?
The Maroons seem to be alright (from what I've seen) until an anemone goes in.... That's when they go to the dark side.
Fish, coral, hands... They'll attack anything that they deem 'in range' of their precious anemone.
I've had two anemones in with my maroon clown, and since then, he wigs out when anything goes near. The gobies get nipped, corals get flipped, and the hermits get picked up and dropped on the other side of the tank. Mine is usually pretty good when my hand is in the tank, but he spits sand at me when I'm looking at the tank up close..


i dont have anemone only torch coral but he doesn't host hit,he start this after i put him back in the dt,so after hypo went i put him back he seem to think he was the king