Maroon Clown hosting Toadstool


Active Member
You are so lucky!!!! I am trying for months hanging pictures on the side of my tank but my clowns don't want to host my BTA!!


New Member
My yellow stripe maroon has chosen the worst possible corner in my tank to host, right betweeen the powerhead and the outlet for the skimmer. He will not budge and I'm afraid he is not getting enough rest because the water movement is so strong there. The tank is too new for an anemonie yet (6 weeks) but I'm doing pretty good with some shrooms that hitchhiked in on the rock. My paremeters are all perfect at 79 degrees.
My tank is a 50 gallon tall with 30 pounds of fully cured Marshall Island Live Rock stacked on top of about 10 pounds of base rock that is now starting to get some Coraline growth from the LR. 20 pounds of Live Sand, CPR Bak-Pak skimmer with two 18" T-8s and one 18" white flo.
Tankmates for the clown are one Midas Blenny, one Coral Beauty, a Lyrtail Anthias and a Orngeback Basslet, all the fish are under two inches except the Blenny and he is about three inches. I also have an arrowhead crab and some hermets and about half a dozen Aptaisia, with one tiny Peperment shrimp slowly working on them. Everyone seems settled in and has their own little caves in the rockwork except the clown. There are plenty more vacant spaces in the rock, but the clown simply loves his turbulent corner.
I ordered a couple of these little mushrooms from, thinking they look easy to keep with my modest lighting and perhaps something my clown will find tempting enough to give up his bubbly home.
This is the coral I ordered. You guys think a YS Maroon might host in one of these, or should I be looking for a Xena? I really don't think my lights are strong enough for anemonie's but may be enough for one of these corals up on the highest point of my rockwork.
Sugestions welcome


Staff member
It has been experience that clowns pretty much harass corals when they try to host them, even to the brink of death.
I definitely would not worry about turbulent locations. The clown will not stay in a location that he is not comfortable with.
What lighting do you have?


New Member
Thanks for the quick responce. You're probably right, I guess he will go elsewhere if he gets tired of fighting the current. I only have two 18" actinics (T-8s) and two full spectrum white flouresences. The top of the rockwork is well lit but the tank is deep. My original intentions were a FOWLR but now would like at least one or two easy soft corals up close to the lights, hopefully something the clown can take refuge in, maybe a Xenia or toodstool. Do you think my lights will support either? I have a few shroom hitchhikers that seem to be doing well up ontop of the highest rocks.
Thanks again