Maroon Clown is acting Strange!


New Member
My husband came home today and my maroon clown, Emmett, was kind of wallowing in the sand. He is usually VERY friendly and comes up to the front of the tank to visit but didn't. I came home from work about 2 hours later and he was nowhere to be found. Put food in and he didn't come out of hiding. And he's normally A PIG! We took rock out until we found him. He was under a rock and lying on his side. We caught him (by hand!) and put him in a small quarantine tank we attached in the aquarium. Now he's rubbing his nose on the bottom of it over and over. All other fish seem very happy and healthy. Am SO worried. Anybody have ideas?


New Member
Had him for about 4 months. Excellent appetite (prior to this), very energetic, gorgeous color. I think I may know the problem. Tell me what you think. Introduced a Coral Beauty Angel last Wednesday and didn't quarantine. (I know! Won't EVER do that again!) I noticed a few white spots on the Angel on Saturday but they went away and I thought it was just stress. She had no other symptoms of Ich. My heater died in the aquarium and I just noticed yesterday. Think that Ich was introduced and the clownfish was stressed from the temp. change. Has no spots that I can see but is kind of scratching his chin area. Think I should quarantine all and treat for Ich?