Maroon clown knocking stuff down


So my maroon clown (about 2.5") is now suddenly knocking the rock with my mushroom corals and the smallest rock in the tank down from the top again and again, so i decided to put the the rock with the corals on top of the smallest rock apart from the 'main' caves and he just goes out and knocks it down again.
I know that they are agressive fish, but is this behavior normal?
Can I move the rocks around and form a new structure to 'reset' it's territory like with freshwater fish?


Active Member
i had a 5 inch maroon that did the same i just wedged the rocks might have to rearrange the rock alot to get a tight fit.even though they arent big those clowns are pretty strong.


There is this special putty (i think it is called epoxy not 100% sure, but i am sure someone on this site can recommand one) you can buy that will turn into cement when in saltwater. I suggest using this putty to secure your corals to your rocks. Drill holes through your rocks and put rods through them to secure the foundation. Kind of like how a baker stabilizes the tiers.