Maroon Clown not eating help

i got a maroon clown yesterday morning acclimated it properly it was very active and i tried hand feeding it once it worked but it spat the food out ....i tried feeding flake/pellets/squid pieces and it either just doesn't eat or he bites and spits it out...its been a day since she has eaten ...anything i can do ? or is this normal ?
should i get it mysis shrimp ? or some other frozen food to kick start it to eat ? im about to go to my lfs any help appreciated


Active Member
Frozen mysis shrimp is good .... I'd stay away from flake and pellets. He may very well just be getting used to the new environment so give him time.
I feed a mixture of mysis shrimp and cyclopeeze ..... they love it.
my LFS was out of mysis shrimp so i bought brine shrimp...he ate all the brine shrimp i put in the tank within a few minutes...i also got formula 2 flake food and he doesn't seem to like it that much ...would formula 1 work ?
i tried feeding it a small fresh piece of fish flesh it just spat it out....would the frozen shrimp i find at a supermarket work ? cut them up in small pieces maybe and feed it to her ?


I feed my maroon a variety of foods. Mysis, rods, and pellets. I would stay away from brine shrimp it has a negligable nutritional value. If that is all it will eat continue to use only after you offer say mysis or pellets.
FYI I had the opposite problem when I first bought my maroon, it would only eat pellets. Good luck!


My maroons are pigs and will eat anything! You just need to get him/her acclimated. However, it's certainly a good sign he/she is taking the food in his/her mouth. If it wasn't eating at all, I would be worried. I get the multi-variety frozen packs and rotate feeding. Good luck!