Maroon Clown + Other Clown


Hey guys quick question,
I have a 75 gallon fish tank and have a Yellow Maroon Clownfish in it along with a 4 stripe damsel. Would it be alright if I added any other clowns to the tank? I have read that Maroon Clowns should not go with other Marron Clowns, but never read anything about them not going with other types of clowns. Any advice would be nice!


Active Member
It isn't a good idea to mix clown species, especially with a clown as aggressive as a maroon. The two clowns may fight.


Man, Viper and I tend to reply to the same posts. Viper, we need to start hanging out together. lol.
Agree with V, not a good idea to mix clowns. When I started off, I followed the advice of my LFS, who said it would be ok to mix clowns in my 75 gal. Apparently, thats the same day I fell off the turnip truck.
It only took about three minutes for the new tomato clown to start ramming my clarkii into the sand. By the time I pulled the tomato out, he had already ripped off the clarkii's entire side fin. I learned a very important lesson that day.. dont trust your lfs. And dont listen to people who tell you they keep mixed clown species with no problems. This is rare, and only works for a handful of people. Most information sources will discourage mixing clowns.