Maroon Clown Question...

I have had a 55 gal tank cycled for about a week now. I have about 20lbs of LR with more on the way. I also switched CC to LS yesterday. My levels are still O except mt trates which are about 10. My LFS has a BEAUTIFUL maroon clown that i fell in love with. I plan on purchasing him and a Goby tomorrow.
Does everyone think this is ok, some have stated Maroons are to mean to put in first. I love the clown fish and just want to make sure he has a happy home even with a few more fish to come. Also whats the best thing to feed them?


Originally Posted by Shaun Larlee
I have had a 55 gal tank cycled for about a week now. I have about 20lbs of LR with more on the way. I also switched CC to LS yesterday. My levels are still O except mt trates which are about 10. My LFS has a BEAUTIFUL maroon clown that i fell in love with. I plan on purchasing him and a Goby tomorrow.
Does everyone think this is ok, some have stated Maroons are to mean to put in first. I love the clown fish and just want to make sure he has a happy home even with a few more fish to come. Also whats the best thing to feed them?
Make sure you see him eat at the store. I purchased 2 last week and 3 days in the QT and they were history. They would not eat anything. And you are right I cried about mine they were beautiful.
He has been there for like 3 weeks she said he has eaten great, my problem is i need a buddy for him and im not sure what to get. I was planning on a goby but changed my mine. I dunno i need to get two fish so i guess ill find something


go with just the clown for now would be my reccomendation as clowns are very hardy and a very good choice for your first fish in a tank, only buy 1 fish though, forget about the goby for now, they are no where near as hardy as the clowns in my experiance.
if you had a horibul ammonia spike the clown would be the last to die


i would wait and add him later, i had to remove a maroon i had in my 72 by itself, when i added a foxface. he thought he owned the whole tank.


If your nitrates are at 10 you should do a water change before adding the fish. Why stress it more than nesessary. If you plan on other fish I'd take a pass on the maroon, they are the most agressive of all clowns and very hard to pair up. They ofter kill their intended mate. If you plan to have a pair down the road buy 2 juviniles they will get along and become a pair.